Are tips/gratuities expected while traveling?

Yes, it is customary to tip for various services while traveling, including guides, drivers, restaurants, hotels, and tour escorts. Many Verso Ministries pilgrimages include tips/gratuities in the pilgrimage package. See your departure page under "What's Included" to know if tips/gratuities are included as a part of this package.

The tip amount Verso gives is listed below:

  • $3 per day for Pilgrimage Directors
  • $8 per day for full day local guides/tour escorts
  • $5 per day for half day local guides
  • $5 per day for bus drivers
  • $2 per hotel for porterage
  • $2 per night for hotel cleaning/housekeeping/hotel meals
  • $2 per meal not provided in the hotel

Please know you are welcome to tip more if you desire while you are traveling. 

Updated October 24, 2023