I want to book my child on a pilgrimage, but not myself. Can I do that?

We are thrilled you’d like to book a pilgrimage with us and reserve a spot for your child/children. It is really easy to book a pilgrimage for someone else using our online booking form.

On Page 1  of the booking form below the “Traveler Information” section click “I am booking on behalf of someone”. Then enter your information in the “Booker Information” section and the information for the person you are booking on behalf of in the “Guest 1 Information” section. If you are booking a minor, we recommend you list your email for both your email address and child’s email address so that you receive all emails sent to parents and pilgrims. Finally enter your address for shipping and billing purposes in the “Home Address Information (Traveler 1)” section. Then you will continue with Pages 2 & 3 in order to complete the booking.  

Published  September 8, 2023